Hydrocone Shaft Housing

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  • Part Code: 10119

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The Hydrocone shaft housing is one of the crucial components in the Hydrocone cone crusher, located within the housing assembly shell. This shaft is used to transfer rotational energy from the electric motor to the crown gear. Bearings and spacers, the device pulley, pinion gear, and other related parts are installed at the beginning and end of the shaft housing.

This shaft is produced from steel materials such as steel 304, 306, and 316L. The choice of material depends on its usage conditions and work environment, and normally alloys with suitable resistance to wear and corrosion are used.

The Hydrocone shaft housing has very high efficiency due to its precise manufacturing and the absence of slip during rotation. Additionally, this shaft can withstand heavy loads and is suitable for use in high-capacity crushing machines. Moreover, due to the properties of steel, this shaft is compatible with various environments and exhibits good resistance to weather conditions and chemicals.

Hydrocone Shaft Housing | Buy Hydrocone Shaft Housing and Price of Hydrocone Shaft Housing

Purchase Hydrocone Shaft Housing

The Hydrocone shaft housing, made of alloy steel or stainless steel with a unit weight of … kilograms, is produced with the highest quality and most competitive price at the casting factory. This product is available in both machined forms at Avangard Holding. Please contact Avangard’s sales experts for price inquiries, orders, technical specifications, and catalogs concerning the Hydrocone shaft housing crusher.

Price List for Hydrocone Shaft Housing

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