Head Shaft Sleeve Hydrocone

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  • Part Code: 10121

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The head shaft sleeve in the Hydrocone crusher is one of the important and protective components used to protect the ends of the shaft rods against incoming rocks. This component also acts as a shield to prevent the force of rocks being thrown into the crusher from damaging the ends of the rods. The head shaft sleeve of the Hydrocone is placed in the middle of the main shaft head and the Hydrocone spider bushing, and its end part is positioned exactly on the cone of the main shaft. This position indicates that this component is located near the impact zone of rocks with the device, acting as a protector and shield.

The main duty of the Hydrocone head shaft sleeve is to protect the ends of the shaft rods from incoming rocks and prevent their destruction. This component is made using anti-corrosion and anti-wear alloys to ensure high durability and resistance. Additionally, by reducing friction between components, especially between the shaft rod ends and the spider bushing, it helps to enhance the performance and efficiency of the Hydrocone crusher.

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Purchase Head Shaft Sleeve Hydrocone

The head shaft sleeve Hydrocone is made of steel with a unit weight of kilograms, produced with the highest quality and the most competitive price at the casting factory. This product is machined and available at Avangard Holding. Please contact Avangard’s sales experts for price inquiries for purchasing the head shaft sleeve Hydrocone, orders, technical specifications, and catalogs.

Price List for Head Shaft Sleeve Hydrocone

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