لینک صفحه:
Behringer HS10 EDGE Hammer
Product Features:
- Part Code: 10156
- Material:
- Manganese Steel Din 1.3401
- Molybdenum Manganese Steel Din 1.3401
- Ni-hard Cast Iron Din 0.9630
- Chrome Cast Irons Din 0.9645
- Quantity Available: 4 pieces
- Unit Weight: 194 Kg
⇐ It should be noted that one side of the working edge in this component, compared to conventional HS10 hammers, is reinforced with increased thickness, which results in enhanced efficiency and longevity of this component.
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$227 - $354
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The Behringer HS10 EDGE hammer is one of the advanced tool examples in the Behringer crusher parts used in the crushing industry. This Behringer hammer, with its unique capabilities and features, can impact the improvement of crusher performance and efficiency.
Production of Behringer HS10 EDGE Hammer
The Behringer HS10 EDGE hammer is produced from four different materials, and the choice of material depends on the mineral conditions being crushed. This hammer is produced in four types of manganese steel and molybdenum manganese steel under the Din 1.3401 standard, chrome cast iron with the Din 0.9645 standard, and Ni-hard cast iron with the Din 0.9630 standard.
For more information, visit the impact crusher parts page.
Purchase Behringer HS10 EDGE Hammer
The HS10 EDGE Behringer hammer is produced from manganese steel and molybdenum manganese steel under Din 1.3401 standard, chrome cast irons under Din 0.9645 standard, and Ni-hard cast iron under Din 0.9630 standard, with a unit weight of 194 kilograms, produced with the highest quality and most reasonable price in the casting factory. Please contact the HS10 EDGE hammer sales experts at Avangard for purchase price inquiries, orders, to receive technical specifications and catalogs of crusher parts.
Price List for Behringer HS10 EDGE Hammer
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