
Ferrochrome is an important alloy in the steel industry, which is formed by combining chromium with iron. This ferroalloy is used as a key element in the production of stainless steel, which is used in various industries, including the automotive, construction, and sanitary ware production industries. The raw material for the production of ferrochrome is ferrochromite or chromite ore. The main uses of chromite are in refractory, metallurgical, and chemical industries. Chromium creates resistance to rust and oxidation in steel, and due to its hardenability properties, as an additive to steel, it distinguishes it from other metals. This alloy is also used as a coloring element in the pigment industry. The steel industry uses ferrochrome to produce high-quality and resistant steels and uses it as a vital element in the manufacture of rust-resistant parts. The purchase and sale of ferrochrome is of particular importance and its price affects the steelmaking industry and other related industries. Avangard Holding is a supplier of various types of ferrochrome. Please contact us for price inquiries.

What is Ferrochrome?

Chromium is not found freely in nature, and the richest mineral containing chromium is chromite with the formula FeO.Cr2O3. Chromium is obtained from chromite ore, which is an oxide mineral of chromium, iron, and oxygen. At room temperature, chromium in its pure state is an element with a soft appearance. However, due to its strong tendency to react with oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and other elements, the process of preparing pure chromium faces challenges. Chromium is used in the production of various alloys due to its resistance to corrosion, heat, abrasion, wear, and oxidation. Adding chromium to steel hardens it and increases its chemical resistance. The well-known alloy called stainless steel uses these compounds, and chromium is mainly used to increase mechanical properties and corrosion resistance in the production of various steels. The nickel-chromium alloy (nickel-chromium) is also an example of this, which has very good resistance at high temperatures and is used to make various parts of cars and other industrial products.


How to Produce Ferrochrome

Now, various techniques are used to produce ferrochrome, but one of the most famous methods is carbothermic reduction of oxides containing chromium, magnesium, and iron at high temperatures. In this process, FeCr ferroalloy is produced by reducing chromium-containing ore using coal and coke at high temperatures. An electric arc furnace is usually used in this process.

After the reduction reaction is carried out, ferrochrome is collected from inside the furnace at regular intervals. When significant amounts of iron-chromium alloy are produced in the furnace, slag and molten metal are discharged through a hole that has been placed in it, and then they pass through an opening and are collected in another place. Molten ferrochrome is cooled in the casting process and prepared for the next stages of processing.

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Ferrochrome Price

The price of ferrochrome varies depending on the analysis and grade of the chromium, silicon, and carbon elements in it, as well as its shape and size. Contact Avangard Company to inquire about the price of various types of ferrochrome.

Row Description Price
1 Price of High Carbon Ferrochrome Contact Us
2 Price of Low Carbon Ferrochrome Contact Us
3 Price of Medium Carbon Chromium Contact Us
4 Price of Nitrogen-Containing Chromium

Contact Us

Purchase and Sale of Ferrochrome

The purchase and sale of ferrochrome, in all sizes and grades with standard or customer-requested analyzes, is one of Avangard Company's commercial activities. In this company, ferrochrome is available in the form of lumps, powder, chips or sheets with a specific grain size and in different packages. To purchase and order all types of ferrochrome, contact the sales experts at Avangard Holding.

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Types of Ferrochrome

Ferrochromes are classified into three products: low-carbon ferrochrome, medium-carbon ferrochrome, and high-carbon ferrochrome. The elements chromium, carbon, silicon, sulfur, phosphorus, and nitrogen have different percentages in each of these ferrochromes. In the following, we will separately get acquainted with the types of ferrochrome.

Low Carbon Ferrochrome

Low-carbon ferrochrome is considered an alloying material in which the element chromium is known as the base and main element. Because the properties and alloys of different steels are fully known, these properties are increasingly improved by adding ferroalloys to them. As a result of this process, improvements in features such as steel's resistance to corrosion, wear resistance, and increased hardness can be mentioned. This ferrochrome is used in many applications, including:

  • Production of stainless steels
  • Application in chemical industries
  • Production of high-temperature steels
  • Use in forging units
  • Use in the welding industry
  • Application in the casting industry
  • Used for the production and manufacture of bars

Analysis of Low Carbon Ferrochrome

Type of Ferrochrome % Chromium % Carbon % Silicon % Phosphorus % Sulfur % Nitrogen
Low Carbon Chromium 45-95 0.015-0.25 Max 1.5 0.02-0.05 Max 0.03 Max 0.15

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High Carbon Ferrochrome

High-carbon ferrochrome is produced by melting mineral rocks using metallurgical coke in electric arc furnaces. High-carbon ferrochrome alloy is available in the market in different forms such as granules and lumps. Chromium can increase the hardness of steel as well as the homogeneity of this property. In addition, chromium leads to improved thermal resistance properties of steel. The most important applications of high-carbon ferrochrome include the following:

  • Production of steels with very high chromium content
  • Production of stainless steels
  • Manufacturing bearings and steel tools
  • Manufacturing engineering steels
  • Performing welding operations
  • Performing casting operations
  • Production of other alloy steels

Analysis of High Carbon Ferrochrome

Type of Ferrochrome % Chromium % Carbon % Silicon % Phosphorus % Sulfur % Nitrogen
High Carbon Chromium 60-70 4-10 Max 3 Unspecified Max 0.1 Unspecified

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Medium Carbon Ferrochrome

Medium-carbon ferrochrome has properties similar to high-carbon ferrochrome and low-carbon ferrochrome, with the difference that its carbon percentage is higher than low-carbon ferrochrome and lower than high-carbon ferrochrome. When an alloy is needed with a high amount of chromium but a lower amount of carbon, this ferroalloy is used because it is economically cheaper than low-carbon ferrochrome and is more cost-effective.

Analysis of Medium Carbon Ferrochrome

Type of Ferrochrome % Chromium % Carbon % Silicon % Phosphorus % Sulfur % Nitrogen
Medium Carbon Chromium 45-90 0.5-2 Max 2 0.03-0.05 Max 0.0.3 Unspecified