Parker Hammer 3

Product Features:

Part Code: 10193

Dimensions: 58*170*565 mm

  • Material:
  1. Manganese Steel Din 1.3401
  • Unit Weight: 37 kg

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Specifications of Parker Hammer 3

Parker Hammer 3, weighing about 37 kilograms, is one of the types of Parker hammers. In the impact crusher, the Parker crusher model is used to strike the input materials and crush them. Due to frequent contact with rocks, the Parker crusher hammer experiences wear and damage.

This wear is directly related to reduced production, so it is essential that the Parker hammer is replaced timely and accurately to maintain production efficiency and prevent its decline.

This part is known as a consumable part, and the Parker hammer is made of manganese steel or Hadfield steel, and upon customer order, it is also produced from molybdenum manganese steel. Using molybdenum steel increases the useful life of the hammer and improves its efficiency.

Parker Hammer 3 is mounted on the rotor by an arm and, with its rotation, breaks the parts and throws them towards the anvil, causing the rocks to be crushed. This crushing operation continues until the rocks reach the defined size for the Parker crusher output.

For more information, visit the Parker Hammer 104 page.

The nominal production capacity of the device is variable, and the production rate depends on the amount of input material to the device, the power of the device, and the type of device. The stone produced by this crusher is very symmetrical and cubic, which creates very high resistance in construction and road construction uses, and for this reason, it has attracted a lot of attention among customers.

However, maintaining this crusher incurs a lot of costs, and its consumable parts need to be replaced faster than other crusher models. One of the prominent advantages of the Parker impact crusher is its quick and easy repair and reconstruction due to its simple design and lightweight parts.

This advantage makes Parker crushers used as portable crushers in projects.

Related article: Parker Hammer 103

Purchase Parker Hammer 3

Parker Hammer 3, made of manganese steel with Din 1.3401 standard and molybdenum manganese steel, with a unit weight of 37 kilograms, is produced with the highest quality and the most suitable price in the foundry factory. Please contact Avant-garde company sales experts for price inquiries, orders, technical specifications, and catalog of Parker Hammer 3.

Price List for Parker Hammer 3

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