Ferrosilicon Magnesium

Product Code: 20008


1- 2-5mm

2- 5-15mm

3- 15-35mm

Application: Degasser – Nucleating Agent

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Ferrosilicon magnesium is a type of ferroalloy obtained from the combination of iron, silicon, and magnesium. Its main application is in cast iron production, aiming to transform flake graphite into a spherical form in the cast iron and increase its strength. Its fundamental chemical symbol is MgFeSi, which can vary with changes in the atomic percentage of each element.

This alloy plays a main role in supplying magnesium for the molten iron. Magnesium evaporates at temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius and in its pure state has a strong affinity for oxygen. Therefore, it is used in alloy form for molten applications.

Ferrosilicon magnesium is added to the mold before the pouring operation. After pouring and during solidification, magnesium is absorbed by graphite nuclei, which changes the surface tension of the graphite and creates uniform growth conditions in all directions, resulting in converting flake graphite into spherical form.

Adding ferrosilicon magnesium to cast iron alloys not only spheroidizes the graphite but also increases the impact resistance, toughness, and strength of the casting piece.

Specifications of Ferrosilicon Magnesium
Aluminum Percentage Calcium Percentage Silicon Percentage Magnesium Percentage
1.2 % 1.4 – 0.8 % 48 – 43 % 7 – 5 %

Production of Ferrosilicon Magnesium

There are two main methods for the production of this ferroalloy:

In the first method, calcined dolomite ore is reduced using a silicothermic or aluminothermic process. The reducing agents used include ferrosilicon or a mixture of ferrosilicon and aluminum.

The magnesium produced in the reduction process reacts with additional ferrosilicon forming magnesium silicide (Mg2Si), which alongside iron forms ferrosilicon magnesium. The amount of reductant and the type of flux added (limestone, fluorspar, bauxite, and quartzite) are the main factors influencing this process.

In the second method, magnesium metal is immersed in molten ferrosilicon and ferrosilicon magnesium is produced. This method is more economical.

Ferrosilicon Magnesium | Purchase Ferrosilicon Magnesium and Prices at Avangard

Ferrosilico Manganese is produced in the following 3 sizes and offered in the market:

  1. Size 5-1
  2. Size 15-5
  3. Size 35-15


Applications of Ferrosilicon Magnesium

  • Production of ductile iron
  • Steel refinement

Features of Ferrosilicon Magnesium

  • Improvement of nucleation quality in the melt
  • Reduction of carbides in thin section castings
  • Improvement of heat treatment capability
  • Increase of ferritic phase
  • Improvement of machining capability of the product or final alloy
  • Cost reduction
  • Reduction of brittleness in parts
  • Graphite spheroidization in ductile iron parts


Important Notes

  • Ferrosilicon magnesium is supplied in lump form with specified granulation and in a metallic silver-gray surface appearance. Color changes in the lumps can indicate impurities in the product.
  • Ferrosilicon magnesium is flammable and if exposed to moisture or acid, it leads to the production of very dangerous gases.


Purchase Ferrosilicon Magnesium

Avangard Company, with over 2 decades of experience in sourcing raw casting materials like ferrosilicon magnesium with the best quality and reasonable prices, is ready to provide services to you, dear customers.

Price of Ferrosilicon Magnesium

For price inquiries and purchasing various types of ferrosilicon magnesium with the best quality and the most economical prices, contact the sales experts at Avangard Holding.

We apologize, prices are currently being updated. Please contact Avangard’s sales unit for price inquiries.



Price in Toman
1 Price of Ferrosilicon Magnesium Size 5-1 Contact Us
2 Price of Ferrosilicon Magnesium Size 15-5 Contact Us
3 Price of Ferrosilicon Magnesium Size 35-15 Contact Us


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